Christmas Trees Unavailable for Winter of 2022

Hello Circle Piners,

Some unfortunate news this year about the Christmas tree sale:

Our supplier does not have any trees or wreaths available for this upcoming season. We are starting to plan the sale for next year and do expect to deliver to Chicago and make some available on site as well.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your understanding.

Recap of 2022 Fall Apple Cider & Membership Weekend

The membership meeting was attended by 48 members; held in person and over zoom again this year. We hope to continue to do that, so those that are not present physically can hear about things going on at CPC. Of course we had sound issues, and while better than last spring, we will continue to work on. A member mentioned that they never heard of Robert’s Rules of Order. It is the method we use to conduct our meetings…