Roll up your sleeves
Practicing cooperation as a way of life means that we all share in the responsibility of taking care of the incredible space that is Circle Pines. Even before you decide to take the plunge to become a member, we invite you to roll up your sleeves and share your skills and passions by volunteering with us. Exchange your labor for food and lodging and join us for a group project at a Workbee Weekend retreat, or come out anytime for a day (or two!) to help us out with projects, maintenance, repairs, computer networking, and more. If you have a skill we can probably use it.
How To Get Involved
Every time you visit Circle Pines you leave this space a better place. Your donations, membership fees, volunteer service, and rental fees fund so much more than a summer camp and meeting space. It contributes to a rich history of commitment to our core values and promises a future where these values always have a place to call home.
If you are interested in giving your time or talents to circle pines center, we can’t wait to meet you. We look for people passionate about organic gardening, natural land management, cooking, facilities upkeep and maintenance, and so much more. Do you have a talent you think would benefit Circle Pines Center? You’re probably right! Let’s see where you can fit!
We currently has a variety of available opportunities for those looking to work at Circle Pines Center as a career, seasonally, or at the summer camp. A crucial component of each position at Circle Pines is extending hospitality towards our members and guests during weekend events. As a full-time or seasonal CPC employee, a portion of your compensation comes in the form of room and board. Most full-time staff live on the property and keep irregular and flexible hours.
Join us as a member for $12/month ($6/month for low-income and students). Membership is open to all who share our core values of peace, social justice, environmental stewardship, and cooperation. Members enjoy year round discounts to Circle Pines, your getaway from the outside world. Governance is democratic with two annual meetings and an elected board of directors.
Your donation directly impacts everyone that visits and stays at CPC. We are a 501 (c)(3) organization. We provide camperships to children with need and directly fund our commitment to environmental stewardship on our property’s forests, gardens, waterfront, and lodging accommodations. All donations are tax-deductible.
The greatest work can be accomplished when people are at peace with one another working toward a common goal. Understanding individual differences with a focus on grassroots activism and community brings a sense of unity and collaboration to CPC.
Social Justice
Cooperation cannot exist until all people have the same basic rights. Whether it’s summer camp or purchasing food, Circle Pines Center strives to implement and educate for social justice to create a more cooperative and equitable world.
Recognizing that humans have the power to change the planet for the better or for the worst, we believe that it is our role to be stewards of the environment. Protecting the environment through conservation and sustainable practices flows through all we do.
From special events to camp to community meetings, a shared sense of purpose and cooperative thinking enhance the quality of life at Circle Pines Center. Through daily work projects, conversations, and relationships, CPC instills the practice of cooperation as a way of life.