
Positive, committed and dependable volunteers are needed! We are excited to be using SignUpGenius to register and manage our volunteers. All of the information regarding shift times and positions is now housed in this convenient program. You will need to click on the link below to get started. More information about the specifics of each position is described there. Please check carefully as there are some limitations within positions. We accept teen volunteers in many positions as well!! Safety is one of our main concerns at the Buttermilk Jamboree, so background checks (based on your name and birthdate that remain in the secure system) will be required for all volunteers. Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering at the Buttermilk Jamboree!!

*Past year Volunteers will be Notified via Email when volunteer shifts go LIVE.

Once the volunteer schedule goes LIVE in February it’s as easy as:
1. Visit our event on SignUpGenius
2. Find the job that’s right for you, pick your times and click the volunteer boxes for the spots you want
3. If you are using a mobile phone, you will need to click GO to navigate between the different days, otherwise each day has its own tab

When creating a profile, you will be asked to provide your legal name, contact information, birthday (for background checks), t-shirt size, and any information that you would like to share about your previous experiences volunteering. Spots in all areas fill up fast, so sign up as soon as possible!!

What We Expect of Our Volunteers:

Remember, as a volunteer, you are a representative of the Buttermilk Jamboree and Circle Pines Center. Outside of fulfilling your specific responsibilities, we have some basic expectations of all of our volunteers:

  • Arrive early to your shift, sober and ready to work
  • Smile and be pleasant to others
  • Complete all assigned tasks and be flexible
  • Only wear your volunteer shirt when volunteering
  • Be responsible, respectful, helpful and cooperative
  • Stay hydrated!!

Here are some of the many benefits to volunteering at the Buttermilk Jamboree:

  • ALL volunteers receive Early Entry!
  • One 4 hour shift = 1 Volunteer T-shirt
  • Two or more 4 hour shifts = Volunteer T-shirt & Early Bird price reimbursement

    Full cost of Early Bird Weekend ticket- only available until April 15th

If you successfully completed your volunteer shifts for two years, you will be placed on our will-call list after you sign up for your shifts this year and will not need to purchase a ticket. Please let us know if you have any questions about this!!