Entries by Chris Schleuder

Inner Child Healing with Ally

We all carry different versions of our inner children within us, encapsulated in our psyche, that come out when we least expect them to. Learn how to meet them, nurture […]

Green Wizardry with Mike

Green Wizards: Individuals who embrace the task of learning, practicing, and thoroughly mastering a set of mostly forgotten skills to use and to share with others. In this workshop, Mike […]

Qi Gong with Rik

Experience collecting and connecting with the universal life force Qi energy.

Earth Body Alchemy with Alyssa

In this immersive practice of connecting with the body and the earth around you, you will feel the connection between you and your mama earth. Nothing separating us from her, […]

Yoga for All with Elizabeth

Find strength, stability and flexibility with Dr. Elizabeth Huff Willis, physical therapist, in a yoga-ish class designed to ground you to this moment while lifting your spirit in gratitude for […]